SynFutures Launches New Website and Exciting New Products

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5 min readNov 10, 2021


We are delighted to announce that a new and better website has been launched today after more than four months in Alpha and Beta development!

Go check it out now!

Beta Performance Overview

On October 1st, we launched our Beta version after the three months trial of Alpha. During that time period, the number of our users grew immensely, while the number of trading pairs available on SynFutures also grew steadily.

With our core aims to create a platform that is open, decentralized, and leveraged, we set out to ensure that the Beta version would be more open, more trader friendly, and more transparent for our users.

As of November 10th, our Beta version had a 24-hour trading volume of 29.7 million USD, growing steadily through the latter half of October and into early November. Our cumulative number of users also grew steadily through October, reaching more than 44,000 on November 10th. (For more real-time updates, please visit

In addition, we have collected our Top 5 traders’ trading volume which accounted for 2.6% of total platform trading volume. Meanwhile, our trading competition that had commenced on October 15th had since rewarded 7 traders with Diamond NFTs for their more than $1,000,000 total trading volume since the beginning of the competition.

These achievements from the traders on our platform indicate healthy growth and active engagement amongst our trader communities. We will continue to optimize our platform and products to increase user experience and help our traders achieve their financial goals.

New Website and New Features

As we now move forward towards launching our new rebranded website, we are optimistic about its growth potential in terms of our active users, our trading volume, and also the number of services and products that are available to our users, as we continue to add new services to our Beta.

Our new website that has just been launched includes a whole new section on SynFutures’ products including NFTures and our Decentralized Oracles.

With NFTures, traders are able to short or long a trending NFT directly through SynFutures’ new website portal with an option to select the usage of a 3x leverage boost.

Through the new website, traders can directly access Synfutures’ Decentralized Oracles which includes the BTC hash rate futures introduced by the SynFutures team that allows miners to hedge the fluctuation of Bitcoin mining difficulty in order to lock in future mining rewards.

For more information on this, please visit

Our new website also offers a direct portal to Dune Analytics where users can stay current with all of the relevant data from SynFutures in real-time including Trading Volume with different time options, Daily Active Trader number as well as Daily Number of Trades all in one place.

SynFutures Academy

One aspect of our new website that we are extremely excited about is the SynFutures Academy.

With “Your One Place to Know Everything DeFi and DeFi-related” set as our slogan for the academy, the main mission of SynFutures Academy is to provide a place where our users can find all the relevant information and learning resources efficiently and conveniently.

Additionally, SynFutures Academy is set up with an aim to help elevate the overall brand awareness of SynFutures, as it also provides trustworthy, knowledgeable articles for our users who want to get started in DeFi. As time goes on we will add more in-depth topics for more advanced players in the DeFi market, providing learning services for users at all levels of DeFi.

Currently, we have six articles available through SynFutures Academy, all of which are entry-level. They tackle topics relating to DeFi, such as finance, technology, tutorials, and more, while we will also dip into GameFi, Metaverse, and other subjects.

We will continue to update the articles that are available for our users over time.

For more information on this, please visit

Moving Forward

As SynFutures moves forward, we want to ensure that we are leveling the playing field for the average capital investor, by improving our users’ capital efficiency and by launching new and useful products.

Our main priority is to ensure that we are and remain to be a platform that is built for beginners.

With this aim in mind, we are cognizant of our responsibility to educate newcomers and the wider public about the best use cases of DeFi, as well as the best ways in which to approach various DeFi applications.

By simplifying our UI UX we want to ensure that our users will be able to have a “one-click” experience with our platform, thereby attracting new users to our platform.

For more information on our new products, stay updated on our website.

About SynFutures

SynFutures is a next-generation derivatives exchange focused on creating an open and trustless derivatives market by enabling trading on anything with a price feed. By cultivating a free market and maximizing the variety of tradable assets, SynFutures is lowering the barrier to entry in the derivatives market, creating a more equitable digital assets exchange market.

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